
Carbon is Not a Problem!

There’s something silly about arguments that disparage bio-fuels “which still emit Carbon” that I think is indicative of a social manipulation, though not sure 

The Essence of Life

Humans emit Carbon with every breath. The Carbon we exhale is closed loop carbon and is an essential part of the cycle of life for the carbon we exhale, plants inhale. But I know you know that.
If autos, buses, planes and trains are fueled by bio-fuels then they are just like other living species on the planet – and Life is Good.

A Balance to all things.

Of course there is a problem with Bio-Fuels as well – we grow food most of the places where we can grow anything already. Using corn for fuel walks the food industry. But considering most of the corn and soy we now grow feeds animals ( which wastes 70% of the nutritional value as opposed to eating them directly) stop feedng them grain (still can eat them – just only prarie raised and fininshed though) and we’d have a bucnch more for fuel.
Solutions are in the works – that’s why you sometimes here about Algae Bio-fuel.

Any of those sources are closed loop – the Carbon released by the vehicle burning that fuel will be absorbed and utilized by the plants creating the next batch of fuel.

BioFuels are not the problem

The problem is Capitalism – and it’s tendency to concentrate and monopolize and comodity any product (this product being energy).
We need to democratize and decentralize the means of production.
Each home/ town/community/neighborhood should have it’s own solar – geo-thermal – wind suplemented bio-digestor.

Energy Independence for US!

Let the Feds build the interconnecting infrastructure for resiliency.
Corporate Capitalism stifles that kind of sustainability, self sufficiency and FREEDOM!
How do we make this the land of the Free when we’ve been programmed to believe that nothing in Life IS?